
A Brief History Of The Club

Details of the origins of Carrbridge Golf Club are sketchy and portray a turbulent journey to the present day. A copy of an Ordinance Survey map, dated 1850 to 1880, shows the course in it's current location, there are records of the Club from 1905 in The National Golf Museum and the modern-day version of the Club as it is today was formed in 1980.

After being formed and enjoyed as a course, the game of golf did not flourish and so both Club and course fell into the wilderness. During the 1970’s a couple of local enthusiasts from the Carrbridge Hotel did their best to resurrect the course and visitors were charged 50p a round. The Club survived in some measure leading to its’ re-forming in 1980 when the Club was properly constituted and formally accepted by the R&A and since this date the Club has made steady progress, particularly in recent years, with improvements to both the red tinned roofed clubhouse and the challenging course. Carrbridge Golf Club now provides golfing facilities and a welcoming clubhouse for members and visitors alike to enjoy.

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